washingtondullesairport, what time should we get their for plane departure?
2006-01-23 09:03:09 UTC
washingtondullesairport, what time should we get their for plane departure?
Two answers:
2006-01-26 18:02:28 UTC
Yes, you should get there 2 hours before departure - according to the rules. But, as long as you're there at least 30 minutes before the flight leaves you'll USUALLY make your flight.
2006-01-23 09:05:50 UTC
You should always get to the airport about two hours before your flight is scheduled to leave. You can call your airline before leaving home to make sure things are still on time.

Arriving this early ensures that through all possible hang-ups, you'll make your flight. And, since 9/11, it takes a lot longer to get through security.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.