what best places to see in washington D.C.?
2006-01-26 14:00:23 UTC
what best places to see in washington D.C.
Six answers:
2006-01-27 11:46:53 UTC
You should try to see as much as you can, all the sights are cool. The WWII memorial is awesome. I would recommend getting out to Arlington if you can. The best Museum is The Holocaust. If you are taking children, The Air and Space Museum is nice.
2006-01-27 20:44:01 UTC
Lincoln Memorial/Washington Memorial, Smithsonian (all branches), WWII Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, White House, etc etc.
2006-01-27 14:26:35 UTC
Go to the top of the old Post office building on Penn. Ave. What a view.
photo gal
2006-01-29 03:17:44 UTC
lots of great stuff...all the Smithsonian museums....Hirschorn, Air and Space, Freer & Sackler, Natural science....then there is the Holucaust museum (prepare to cry), Lincoln, Vietnam, WWII memorials.
2006-01-27 13:32:35 UTC
I liked the Washington Monument, not reccomended if you are scared of heights. the windows at the top are angled so that you can see straight down.... kinda nifty
Radical One
2006-01-26 22:00:49 UTC
Well, obviously, the famous monuments and statues.

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