Why is Washington DC called the DMV?
2008-01-10 11:41:51 UTC
Anyone from the DC slash PG county Maryland area knows that DC is called the DMV, what I want to know is why, everyone I've asked has no idea themselves, does anyone out there?
Eighteen answers:
2008-01-10 15:06:20 UTC
The DC area is called the DMV because it's an abbreviation for District-Maryland-Virginia. And since Maryland doesn't have a DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) but a MVA (Motor Vehicles Administration), it's a more prevalent expression on the Maryland side of the city.
2015-08-07 12:33:12 UTC
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Why is Washington DC called the DMV?

Anyone from the DC slash PG county Maryland area knows that DC is called the DMV, what I want to know is why, everyone I've asked has no idea themselves, does anyone out there?
2016-12-10 23:01:41 UTC
Dmv Dc
2016-03-26 01:58:53 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

Sorry but DMV are administrative in nature. This means that they have a tremendous amount of power over the little guy because driving "privileges" are not rights. The original police officer who gave you incredibly bad advice should be smacked upside the head. I'm not sure what his game was in issuing you a ticket he told you not to pay. He could have given you a verbal warning. But when you chose not to pay the ticket you pretty much served yourself up on a silver platter. Twelve years seems like a ridiculously long period. It is possible there could be a statute of limitations issue. (I'm not overly familiar with administrative law matters.) And it is possible you could fight this and win. But hiring an attorney to fight $98 doesn't seem like a wise investment. But over $98 I would be inclined to recommend that you not make this a hill to die on. State government offices are notoriously inefficient and ineffective. You might want to pursue this for the principle of the matter but you will likely spend tens if not hundreds of hours dealing with this - and they aren't going to care one way or the other. I would guess that your time is worth more than the $98 so you might just want to punt.
2016-01-15 08:17:29 UTC
Because of REALLY stupid people. Every time Channel 9 says "DMV" I think of the Division of Motor Vehicles. NCR for National Capital Region is FAR more descriptive, accurate and inclusive of the region. It also avoids the Delmarva confusion.
2008-01-10 12:56:20 UTC
It stand for DC-Maryland-Virginia (DMV) and is used within the area hip-hop/go-go/rap communites, which holds an annual DMV Entertainment Hip-Hop and Music Awards.
2015-10-14 12:53:27 UTC
Because the are so closely linked and the people from all three areas work across state lines this is normal for them . They do a lot of traveling in these area to work back and forth it's crazy and the traffic is terrible.They are so inter changeable they weave back and forth like threading ribbons
2016-09-26 04:50:37 UTC
Maryland Abbreviation
2008-01-10 11:46:03 UTC
Well, I'm from that area of maryland and never heard that, but I guess maybe it could stand for the DC, Maryland, Viriginia area. I don't know last tiime I check the DMV was the Department of Motor Vehicles
2017-03-14 16:28:45 UTC
I was dismissive of the term as I understood DMV to be Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. Lumping the three different states together made no sense. As DC/MD/VA? Nah, I'll just say the DC area which by definition includes the adjacent parts of VA and MD.
julie travelcaster
2008-01-10 12:21:37 UTC
I've lived 25 years in this area both in PG county (although way north in Laurel) and in Virginia, and I have never heard this.

So I'm not sure it's as widespread as you think.
Rashard Anderson
2014-01-28 07:07:13 UTC
If they are considered the D.M.V. I wish they would drive their booties of a cliff, because they never set any trends. They do a lot of using someone else styles, rallying up childish stuff and hating.
2017-01-11 11:42:19 UTC
No one knows? I have a hard time believing that
2016-07-30 15:57:13 UTC
Lots of great answers already for this
2008-01-10 11:48:23 UTC
Isn't that Department of Motor Ve-hicles
2016-08-26 22:02:12 UTC
always when i submit a question, even if it's the simplest one, they cannot offer me a good informed answer here. Wtf happened to people that actually take the time to write an answer??
2016-09-20 12:54:04 UTC
thats a good question and I hope you get valuable answers
2008-01-10 11:47:55 UTC
Maybe it's the Del-Mar-Va peninsula?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.