who do i pack for washjington dc in febuary?
2006-02-15 17:22:32 UTC
who do i pack for washjington dc in febuary?
Four answers:
2006-02-15 17:28:58 UTC
good clothes my friend. it's cold in this month. snow and wind are falling.
2006-02-16 15:29:34 UTC
I have no clue WHO you should pack, but as far as WHAT, bring a coat, gloves, earmuff, scarf, umbrella. Also a pullover or a ligher jacket and clothes cuz there are freak days like this week where it's very nice and warm so you don't want to get stuck wearing a sweater and a coat.
2006-02-16 03:08:21 UTC
Only the essentials. When you enter any of the museums, you will need to show the guards your bag. Dress warm. The museums are close to one another but it is still going to be cold. Hope this helps.
Z Town Mom
2006-02-16 02:28:51 UTC
WHO are you traveling with? I'd suggest buying them a seat !

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